

Scheduling will open on the Parent Portal from Monday, February 24 to Monday, March 3

Rising 6th, 7th, and 8th Graders:

  • Students can go in with your families and choose their top 3 elective choices. This information with detailed instructions has been emailed to parents and guardians.

  • Please choose your top 3 choices wisely. ANY of these choices may be your elective next year.

  • Scheduling is NOT on a first come first serve basis! How fast you get your choices in does not impact the likelihood of you getting that elective. 

  • The counselors will be visiting ALL students in PE and Health classes in March to review your elective choices. Any questions you have about electives can be answered during these meetings.

  • If you are unable to access Parent Portal to put in your elective choices, no need to panic! We can do it together during our meetings in March.

  • This information was sent out to your parents and guardians with detailed instructions on how to access scheduling in the Parent Portal.

HHMS Elective Program of Studies 25-26

Rising 9th Graders:

  • Students can go in with their families and choose their world language and top five electives for 9th grade. This information with detailed instructions has been emailed to parents and guardians by EHS.

  • Even if students are intending to go to a different high school, they still need to put in their choices for EHS.

  • Please choose your 5 elective choices wisely. ANY of these choices may be your elective next year.

  • Scheduling is NOT on a first come first serve basis! How fast you put your selections into Parent Portal does not impact the likelihood of you getting that elective. 

  • Our counselors will be visiting ALL students in PE and Health classes in March to review elective and world language choices. Any questions about high school can be answered during these meetings.

  • Students wishing to switch to a different world language will also have to fill out a permission slip, which will be given to them at their meeting in March.

  • If you are unable to access Parent Portal to put in your world language and elective choices, no need to panic! Students can make their selections during their meetings with our counselors in March.

EHS Freshman Elective Sheet 25-26