Elective Scheduling for next year begins on the Genesis Parent Portal Monday February 24 at 10:00 and closes on Monday, March 3 at 4:00 PM.
Yearbooks and Boosters on Sale Now!  Don't Miss Out!
Important End of Year Information
ETEA;s Annual Volleyball Tournament will take place on Thursday, February 20 at JP Stevens High School at 6:00PM. Event is free.
School Spiritwear
Megaphone register for Ramadan Meals
Edison Job Fair
Stay Informed. How to get the latest inclement weather updates.
How to get the latest inclement weather updates for our schools
Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place on Thursday, February 13 from 6:00-8:30PM at Herbert Hoover Middle School. All conferences are by appointment only. Appointments can be made on the Genesis Parent Portal. Call the main office if you need more information.
Sweetheart Spaghetti Dinner will be on Friday, February 7 from 3:30 to 5:00 PM. A permission slip and $10.00 admission fee are required for entry. Dinner includes a garden salad, pasta in marinara sauce, bread and brownie ala  mode. Please call the school for more information.
Thank you Edison Board of Education
Late Bus Routes
Spring Sports Physicals Due Monday, February 3
8th Grade Dance
New Procedures
Save the Date
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