Special Education Parent Advisory Council (ESPAC)

Special Education Parent Advisory Groups are required for all school districts in New Jersey. The purpose of these groups is to provide opportunities for parents and community members to offer input to their districts on critical issues. New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14-1.2(h) states that: Each board of education shall ensure that a special education parent advisory group is in place in the district to provide input to the district on issues concerning students with disabilities. 

The Public Schools of Edison Township established the Edison Special Education Parent Advisory Council (ESPAC) as a forum for parents to provide input to the district regarding students with disabilities. We welcome the participation of all parents. 

Mission: The mission of the Edison Township Special Education Parent Advisory Council (ESPAC) is to facilitate communication between parents, staff, the Board of Education, and the community, regarding the district's special education programs, to provide families with meaningful support, education and information and to provide input to the District on issues concerning students with disabilities. 

ESPAC’s Role: 

● To provide direct input on the policies, programs, and practices that impact services and supports for students with disabilities. 

● To increase the involvement of families of children with special needs. 

● To advise on issues that affect the education, health and safety of students with special needs. 

Who Should Attend ESPAC Meetings? 

● Anyone with a student or students in Edison Township schools with special needs. 

● Anyone with a student or students eligible for or receiving services under an IEP or 504 plan. 

When are ESPAC Meetings? 

● Meeting dates are updated on our District website or you can email Kate.Gousman@edison.k12.nj.us to be added to our ESPAC email list and we will send you information regarding upcoming meetings. 

What Happens at ESPAC Meetings? 

● Concerns related to a group of students are shared and discussed. 

● Dr. Toohey and/or District Representatives will provide updates related to Special Services in the Edison Township schools district and at the State and National Levels. 

● Parents will have adequate time to discuss issues among themselves and plan the agenda for the next meeting. ● Speakers, other District Representatives, and Individual Staff members may be invited based upon the requests from the Members of the Council.

At the conclusion of each ESPAC meeting, the district will arrange for parent presentations/trainings. The topics of the trainings will be on the Special Services website two weeks prior to the meeting dates. 

Please note that ESPAC meetings are not the forum for a discussion about individual students or your child's IEP. Topics are limited to those that impact all students or a group of students. Additionally, these meetings are for parents only. It is not appropriate to have your child attend these meetings. If you have concerns that you would like to share with the Assistant Superintendent for Pupil-Special Services or a specific concern about your child's program, please contact your child’s case manager or Dr. Thomas Toohey at 732-452-4948 and Thomas.Toohey@edison.k12.nj.us

ESPAC Meetings 24-25

Time: 5:30-7:00

Location: 312 Pierson Ave, Edison, NJ 08837 (You may attend in person or virtually!)

OCTOBER 16th: Prosperi - Identifying Postsecondary Options and Creating Individualized Transition Plans

Please attend in person or virtually through this link

At Prosperi, we are dedicated to supporting students, families, and on-campus school counselors by providing on-demand, supplemental remote counseling services. Our platform offers flexible access to certified remote counselors, helping to ease the workload of on-site counselors and ensuring that students receive the support they need, during the school day or after hours. We are committed to SuperPowering School Counselors by working together to deliver the best possible services for students and families.

As the Co-founder and Chief Counselor of Prosperi, I am passionate about student success. With my background as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Professional School Counselor, and Certified Instructional Leader, I focus on guiding students through their journey from high school to college and beyond. I will be working directly with Edison School Counselors, students, and families to assist with identifying postsecondary options and creating individualized transition plans. My approach blends data-driven strategies with compassionate guidance to promote academic achievement, personal growth, and career readiness. I look forward to connecting with you soon!

Meghann Barnes, LPC, MA, M.Ed

Co-Founder | Chief (Remote) Counselor

Click HERE to schedule a 15-minute Intro meeting with me!

Connect with us on LinkedIn to learn more!

NOVEMBER 13th: Supporting Emotional Intelligence at Home presented by Richard Cohen, Chief Academic Officer for Secondary Education

Students of all ages are more emotionally dysregulated than ever before and are becoming more and more dependent upon adults to cope with their own emotions. Edison School District has therefore prioritized Emotional Intelligence as its first characteristic for its Potrait of a Graduate. Learn and take back to your home one simple, easy to learn and implement, metacognitive strategy that increases every child's emotional intelligence, no matter how neurodiverse.

DECEMBER 11th: Navigating the DDD Service System presented by Alyssa Lacey, Transition & Employment Specialist, Office of Transition to Adult Life & Employment

Join us to learn about what DDD has to offer and how to prepare for adult life: An introduction to the Division of Developmental Disabilities and how to prepare to access DDD services and supports, with plenty of time for Q&A! This session will include an overview of the DDD service system, steps to complete the eligibility process, and Support Coordination - DDD’s care management model. After attending, you are able to schedule virtual or in person 1:1 Resource sessions on 12/18 with DDD coordinators who can answer questions and provide assistance.

DDD Slide Presentation

JANUARY 22nd: SSI and Medicaid: How To Apply And Why You Need To Do So - presented by The Arc of NJ

There are many different ways to initiate the Medicaid eligibility process and it is important to make sure you have all of the necessary information. This workshop will help parents and caregivers understand how to access health care services for their loved one with IDD from the current health care system.

FEBRUARY 19th: Middlesex County College Office of Disability Service

Join us to learn about how the Office of Disability Service at Middlesex College. The College coordinates specialized counseling and auxiliary services to support students with disabilities. Services and reasonable accommodations are provided in keeping with the regulations and spirit of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act. A variety of services may be accessed including liaison with faculty regarding classroom accommodations, adapted testing services, notetaking support, sign language interpreters, assistive technology, alternate format materials and other reasonable accommodations. Any decision regarding accommodations is based on a student’s request and supporting documentation through an interactive process.

MARCH 19th: Social Security Disability Claims for Children and Young Adults. 

This presentation will provide information on types of disability claims available for children and young adults, who is eligible for benefits, what Social Security means by "disabled",  and how to help prove the disability claim. Presented by Janna K. Lowenstein, Esq. - Lowenstein Disability Lawyers, ALC

APRIL 30th: Yes, Your Child Can Work! Working Toward Employment For People With IDD - presented by The Arc of NJ

For many people, a job is something that helps define who they are. It give us a meaningful place to go everyday, a way to explore our interests, a means of earning money, and a way to be a part of our community. This workshop will discuss different employment options available to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and hands—on tools for preparing students for employment.

MAY 14th: State Services for Students with IDD - presented by The Arc of NJ

New Jersey programs provide many supports and services for individuals with IDD and their families, including family support, crisis intervention, after school programs, summer camp and intensive in-home and out-of-home supports, just to name a few. This presentation will provide an overview of what these programs offer, eligibility for services, and how
young adults transition from children’s services to adult services when they turn 21.