Program Benefits
What does the data show?
Compelling research from the past 30 years shows that dual language immersion programs can produce important benefits for for all students including:
Enhanced cognitive skills, as students typically develop greater cognitive flexibility and demonstrate increased attention control, better memory, and superior problem solving skills
Improved academic performance, as students perform as well as, or better than, non-immersion students on standardized tests of English and Mathematics
Minimizing of the achievement gap, as students respond to the cognitive demands of learning content in two different languages, they develop enhanced cognitive skills that benefit them throughout their K-12 academic experience
Higher second language proficiency, as students achieve higher levels of second language proficiency, they graduate from high school ‘bilingual’ or ‘biliterate’
Enhanced global citizenship, as students are better prepared to collaborate, communicate, and problem solve across linguistic and political boundaries, they also exhibit more positive attitudes toward other peoples and other cultures

“Immersion students achieve higher levels of second language proficiency than through any other language development model. By the end of their K-12 program, students often possess high levels of bilingualism and biliteracy.”
(Center for Applied Second Language Studies, 2011; Padilla 2013)
“On average, immersion students perform as well as or better than non-immersion students on standardized tests of English and mathematics… These gains are typically seen around grade 5 and above.”
(Robinson, 1998; Swain and Lapkin, 1982)
“Despite receiving instruction in English for no more than 50% of class time, Inter-American students consistently attain high levels of achievement in English reading and writing, math, science, and social studies. Especially compelling is the continued high achievement of low-income LEP students in English reading and writing as they progress through the grade levels. In addition, all students develop proficiency in Spanish… both English-dominant and Spanish-dominant students learn another language with no negative consequences for their academic, linguistic, or intellectual development.”
(Senesac, B.V.K., 2002)

English Learners’ Long-Term K-12 Achievement in Normal Curve Equivalents (NCEs) on Standardized Tests in English Reading Compared across Seven Program Models (Results aggregated from longitudinal studies of well-implemented, mature programs in five school districts and in California